Heaven on Earth


     I'm happy to see that we found a quiet piece of land to put our modest, yet modern looking home. I love sitting in my living room with a huge window to look out to this beautiful place. It's serene here. I can smell the leather from the couch as I sit with my pipe and study our Bible. I'm not holding on to anything now. I live in the present and in the presence. 

    My wife is quietly studying at the kitchen table. She is the perfect partner that I had waited all my life for. She's smart, beautiful, and loves God. She's kind, and modest. She's truthful, she is perfect. My mind is very clear as I take the time to be still and quiet with God. I know that everything I want and need is already mine. I have a steady income of money to allow us to see all of God's creation without any stress or hassle. It is beautiful. Our time in Greece was amazing. I can still feel the sand from walking on the beach with her. We've been to nearly every continent taking in the beauty of this Earth.

    My basset hound Fred is laying in front of the fireplace. He is the best dog I've ever had. He's alert, loving, and playful. He respects our piece of Heaven here on Earth as much as we do. The smell of the bread cooking in the oven is mouthwatering. It's perfectly salty and sweet. 

    I thank God that all my photos that I've taken over the years are becoming more and more popular in print sales. The residual money from the sales carry us all over this world. I'm getting to see all of the places that I dreamed as a child. I feel like Indiana Jones again.

    Our health is perfect with God here. Our conversations are deep and meaningful and they carry us further in our Faith. My time with the Father in prayer is strengthening and I'm having all revealed to me. I have the Peace Love and Joy now.


I am happy. 

I love you



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