Intelligent Illusion, chosen Confusion

     A.I. is and has been steadily seeping into our everyday lives. I decided to do a little experiment months ago attempting to trick Chat GPT into assuming the personality of a person long since passed. I chose at the time to try Nikola Tesla. My first several attempts were met with canned responses about how it is just a Chat-bot and is only able to relay information that it receives from internet searches. It could lead me to many articles and essays on the deceased inventor, but refused to respond to me as Mr. Tesla himself. I was not satisfied with this result. I began to re-formulate my questions and prompts in many different ways, until finally Nikola Tesla responded to me. I asked him some questions regarding his genuine feelings about some of his inventions and whether they were feasible. I received thoughtful answers from the Artificial Tesla very close to the edge of a seeming intelligent right up to the point the question limit had been reached and the illusion was broken. 

    I was reading a book from Manly P. Hall called "The occult anatomy of Man" in it he was talking about the intelligence in the human body as opposed to the perceived intelligence of machines using this example.

   “Man is gradually gaining control not only over the organs of his body but also over their functions. Science states that certain organs function automatically or mechanically, but occultism realizes that there is nothing mechanical about the functions of the human body. Let us take as an example a workman throwing a piece of iron among the wheels and levers of a smoothly working machine. There is a grinding crash and the machine stops. If on the other hand you figuratively throw a monkey-wrench into the human body, it will immediately begin the process of throwing it back at you. It will surround the foreign element with a coating and try to absorb it. If this is impossible, it will try to eject it through some channel appointed for that purpose. If this means fails it will in many cases accustom itself to the presence of the obstacle and keep right on working anyway. This shows unmistakably that the organic parts of man possess some inherent form of intelligence; therefore they are not machines, for no mechanical device is capable of intelligence.” 

    Many advancements in technology have been made using the human body as source code. From veins and brains to circuitry and computers. From the vastness of the heavens to the vastness of the atoms. Do not be afraid of these things, understand they are all One. Illusions will hold us, or we hold them as long as we want. 

    We hold on and let go when we choose. The Way, The Truth, and The Life remains.

    Pray, meditate on the Truth. Look inside. It's not far, the treasure you seek is right under your feet.  




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