

I've been fortunate to have had the opportunity to experience various situations in my life so far. I'm not claiming to be the most fascinating person in the world, but I am grateful every day that I've been given these incredible, challenging, and beautiful days. The purpose of starting this blog is to share stories, photographs, thoughts, and dreams with a wider audience, not just myself. My hope is that someone will find value in these posts going forward. If that someone happens to be you, then taking the time to write all this down will truly be worth it.

I'll do my best to entertain you while also conveying ideas that can hopefully spark or reignite your inner light. While going through some of my old journal entries about various situations and thoughts, I realized one thing: I may not make much sense to you.

I've taken many photographs during my journeys, and I intend to share some of them with you. Photography is what has driven me to see the things I once admired in National Geographic. I'm not done exploring, and I'll bring you along on new adventures. Some of my images have been requested for print, and I'll make that option available soon. Rest assured, all the images you see on this website are mine and captured by me.

I will continue to pursue things in my life that make me a better person for myself, my family, and the world. I know you will do the same.


Seems people liked these...